다시 만난 세계 (Into the New World)

다시 만난 세계 (Into the New World)

  • Album Type : Single
  • Genre : Dance
  • Artists : Girls’ Generation
  • Release Date : Aug 03, 2007
  • Record Label : S.M.Entertainment
  • Distribution : S.M.Entertainment


Album Introduction

The title song, 다시 만난 세계 ‘Into the New World’, gives the dynamic energy and passion of teenagers


The first single of Girls’ Generation has 3 songs including the title song, 다시 만난 세계 ‘Into the New World’, ‘Beginning’, and ‘Perfect for You, and they are expected to become hits on the charts with the unique charms of Girls’ Generation. The title song, ‘Into the New World‘, is the work of Kenzie, the composer with many hit songs, and it is a brilliant and energetic pop dance song that contains the purity, passion, and confidence of teenagers. The melody containing dynamic energy and the elegant arrangement outstand in this song. Especially, this song brings the message of support and hope for the new world to the modern people who are exhausted from the daily routine, and it pursues perfect harmony among the ambiance of the song, lyric, and cheerful performance of members on the stage to bring up its perfection even further.


The rock dance song, ‘Beginning’, combined rock, country and dynamic dance beats in an exquisite way, and the lyric that brings the feeling of innocent love and the powerful voices of the members are quite impressive. Also, the colorful arrangement and gentle melody outstand in the cute and medium speed dance music, ‘Perfect for You’, and it brings the lively and girlish emotions.